Encyclopedic Dictionary of Djinn, Sihr and Spiritism Languages – Maximillien De Lafayette


ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY OF DJINN, SIHR AND SPIRITISM LANGUAGES.Vocabulary, Phraseology And Dictionary Of The Languages Of Sahiriin, Djinn, Afarit, Shayatiin, Spirits, Witchcraft There is no way in the world would you be able to summon and communicate with spirits, Djinns, Afarit, demons and even Noble Souls (Arwaah Tahira) if you are not familiar with the terminology, vocabulary and phraseology of their languages and the Sihr language. This book will teach you all of the above, and provide you with most useful phrases needed in your conversation with summoned spirits and entities. It is easy, fun, and fast! 500 Pages

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SKU: 9781312596221 Category: Title: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Djinn, Sihr and Spiritism Languages
Author: Maximillien De Lafayette
Publisher: Time Square Press
Year: 2014
ISBN10: 1312596228
ISBN13: 9781312596221
Condition: Fine
Format: Softcover
Inventory No: 517


ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY OF DJINN, SIHR AND SPIRITISM LANGUAGES.Vocabulary, Phraseology And Dictionary Of The Languages Of Sahiriin, Djinn, Afarit, Shayatiin, Spirits, Witchcraft There is no way in the world would you be able to summon and communicate with spirits, Djinns, Afarit, demons and even Noble Souls (Arwaah Tahira) if you are not familiar with the terminology, vocabulary and phraseology of their languages and the Sihr language. This book will teach you all of the above, and provide you with most useful phrases needed in your conversation with summoned spirits and entities. It is easy, fun, and fast! 500 Pages

Additional information

Weight 0.73 kg
Dimensions 22.9 × 15.2 × 2.8 cm


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