Hardback. Condition: New. Language: English. Brand new Book. The naked female body has inspired artists from the beginning of time. The poet, the sculptor, the painter and, more recently, the photographer, each in their own medium, expresses the beauty, fragility and power of her form. Sometimes the image is made for profit, or vanity confuses the objective, and rather than the muse offering a glimpse into higher worlds, she has been subjected to baser realms. What this book offers is an alternative. This is a work that celebrates the diversity of the female figure with respect and humour. It is about the women you know – all shapes, all sizes, from diverse backgrounds and of differing nationalities. Rather than plastic, pouting personalities, here are real women sharing an intimate moment with you. Their uniqueness and appeal is interspersed with erotic poetry and salient quotes too. The words of celebrated beat poet John Esam, and the lauded William Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, SK Tremayne and Chaucer, as well as lesser-known writers, all add to the richness of this publication. Jacqui Thake, journalist, Sunday Mirror/Daily Mirror.
Hardcover : New : No Dust Wrapper, thank you to the previous owner, in MINT condition. Pages 155 with Sepia photographs throughout ISBN 9780993097041 Usual Price new $50 our price $25
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