Hidden Histories of Gordonia : Land Dispossession and Resistance in the Northern Cape, 1800-1990 – Martin Legassick


The Gordonia region of the Northern Cape Province has received relatively little attention from historians. In Hidden Histories of Gordonia: Land dispossession and resistance in the Northern Cape, 1800-1990, Martin Legassick explores aspects of the generally unknown `brown’ and `black’ history of the region. Emphasising the lives of ordinary people, his writing is also in part an exercise in `applied history’ – historical writing with a direct application to people’s lives in the present.

Tracing the indigenous history of Gordonia as well as the northward movement of Basters and whites from the western Cape through Bushmanland to the Orange River, the book presents accounts of family histories, episodes of indigenous resistance to colonisation, and studies of the ultimate imposition of racial segregation and land dispossession on the inhabitants of the region. A recurrent theme is the question of identity and how the extreme ethnic fluidity and social mixing apparent in earlier times crystallised in the colonial period into racial identities, until with fi nal conquest came imposed racial classification.

Soft cover. New. Trade paperback size

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SKU: 9781868149544 Category: Title: Hidden Histories of Gordonia : Land Dispossession and Resistance in the Northern Cape, 1800-1990
Author: Martin Legassick
Publisher: Wits University Press
Year: 2016
ISBN10: 1868149544
ISBN13: 9781868149544
Condition: Mint
Format: Trade Paperback
Inventory No: 1715


The Gordonia region of the Northern Cape Province has received relatively little attention from historians. In Hidden Histories of Gordonia: Land dispossession and resistance in the Northern Cape, 1800-1990, Martin Legassick explores aspects of the generally unknown `brown’ and `black’ history of the region. Emphasising the lives of ordinary people, his writing is also in part an exercise in `applied history’ – historical writing with a direct application to people’s lives in the present.

Tracing the indigenous history of Gordonia as well as the northward movement of Basters and whites from the western Cape through Bushmanland to the Orange River, the book presents accounts of family histories, episodes of indigenous resistance to colonisation, and studies of the ultimate imposition of racial segregation and land dispossession on the inhabitants of the region. A recurrent theme is the question of identity and how the extreme ethnic fluidity and social mixing apparent in earlier times crystallised in the colonial period into racial identities, until with fi nal conquest came imposed racial classification.

Soft cover. New. Trade paperback size

Additional information

Weight 0.58 kg
Dimensions 24.4 × 17 × 1.8 cm


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