Jungle Paths and Inca Ruins – William M. McGovern


In 1925, anthropologist William McGovern was attempting to lead a routine life in London when a friend asked him to journey up the Amazon and on to Inca Ruins in Brazil. The friend withdrew, and McGovern found himself on his way to Brazil accompanied by only a cameraman.

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SKU: 9781589762046 Category: Title: Jungle Paths and Inca Ruins
Author: William M. McGovern
Publisher: The Narrative Press
Year: 2002
ISBN10: 1589762045
ISBN13: 9781589762046
Condition: Very Good
Format: Trade Paperback
Inventory No: 243


In 1925, anthropologist William McGovern was attempting to lead a routine life in London when a friend asked him to journey up the Amazon and on to Inca Ruins in Brazil. The friend withdrew, and McGovern found himself on his way to Brazil accompanied by only a cameraman.

Additional information

Weight 0.53 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 × 2.1 cm


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