aving Zimbabwe is the gripping story of a group of extraordinary black and white Zimbabweans who lived together forming ‘The Community of Reconciliation’. They chose love over hate and integration over segregation. They believed in harmony over discord and that loving your former enemies is a higher way of life. Against all odds they succeeded in transforming a region of the nation into a life-giving community. By example they demonstrated that the course of Zimbabwe could be changed, and provided a working model for the road ahead. Tragically, on November 25th 1987, the sixteen white members of the Community made the ultimate sacrifice and were martyred. Their killers thought they were ‘liberating’ their people but in fact drove the black community back under the oppressive forces of poverty. Why did they die? This book takes you on a journey to discover the answer to that haunting question and more. With the current atrocities being committed in Zimbabwe, the message of Saving Zimbabwe is more relevant than ever. The country needs transformation which should start in the heart of her people. The destiny of a nation and millions of lives are at stake.
Soft Cover, with beautifully inserted boards to make the book feel like a “hardcover” and give it longevity.
Tight, Clean (except for previous owners name neatly in book) An excellent soft copy in the original pictorial card wrappers as issued. SEE OUR OWN picture of the book for Quality control
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